Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Mark Szpakowski
  • Halifax, NS
  • Canada
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Mark Szpakowski's Friends

  • George Pór
  • rpfiii
  • Ben Tremblay
  • lynn
  • Twain
  • Giorgio Bertini
  • Robert Parks
  • Andy Streich
  • George E. Mobus
  • Mark Aakhus
  • Jack Park
  • David Price

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Mark Szpakowski's Discussions

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8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jack Park Jun 5, 2008.

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Profile Information

About me:
Web software architect and developer. I see software as applied epistemology, sentience as composed of intelligence and care, and those combining to form systems of symbiotic care for our earth and for us, by us. The enabler is structural coupling of group attention to software's call-by-future. Yes we can!
Web site:

Mark Szpakowski's Blog

DeepDebate: Better Decisions through Collective Intelligence

Another player in the field? Basically seems to offer Pro and Con arguments with user-ratings on them, so that the top items float to the top.

Posted on November 13, 2008 at 14:50 — 1 Comment

A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods

This periodic table maps the variety of visualization methods, with examples over each as your mouse flies over.

Posted on May 9, 2008 at 20:44 — 2 Comments

Comment Wall (10 comments)

At 21:24 on May 2, 2008, Jack Park said…
Hi Mark,
Hope you find much with which to interact here. The group is based on an initiative taken by Simon Buckingham Shum, as referenced on the main page; the initiative is that those who develop the tools and practices of collective sensemaking--hypermedia discourse--should begin directing their efforts at serious problems. Climate is this project.
At 22:14 on May 2, 2008, Mark Szpakowski said…
Jack, this group seems right on target with the Earth Cadet Academy intentional framework I shared with you, and Simon Buckingham Shum's intention to have collaborative sensemaking tools developers focus on climate change matches my own!
At 16:13 on May 3, 2008, David Price said…
Hi Mark,

Welcome to group—and thanks for joining.

It has been a pleasure to discover and read your blog today too.

At 18:22 on May 8, 2008, Mark Aakhus said…
Mark - I'll get you a username/psswd -- may take until tomorrow. Mark.
At 0:49 on November 4, 2008, Twain said…
Hi Mark,

Have you seen this great discussion about US economic policy over @ Google Knol, initiated by a senior fellow of the Cato Institute. I've contributed my US$0.02:

Google are starting to create KNOL debates which actually would benefit from structuring, I think.

Also, remember that Squeak interface I mentioned before and you explained about your son doing missions on MMORGs? That interface has gone haptic:


The following tools are also worth taking a look at as a sign of how sense-making and collaboration will be effected in the next 5 years:


* (this is an Intel jv and BP is already a client)



At 15:09 on November 5, 2008, Twain said…
Thanks, Mark. You're very welcome.

I did comment on your posting of that 16/10/2008 Nature article previously on Twine:


You may have missed our subsequent threads because tracking discussions and other people's comments over time is not the most straightforward thing on Twine.

Wrt measuring wealth, wealth stewards and the green issues, well.....the unfortunate thing about encouraging the corporates and human beans to TAKE POSITIVE ACTION as different from creating more theoretical models is that it has to IMPACT THE BOTTOM LINE.

I'm not sure if you saw my proposal to Google's 10 to 100th challenge:


I believe that with every human endeavor to change a system for the better, money needs to be seen as a REWARD for collective efforts rather than as an opportunity cost or a debt. Changing this fundamental economic precept will take some time, but if we seed it somewhere it will grow.

On the climate change issue and green preservation in terms of the economics of consumerism, we need to move much further upstream to point of product design and creating products for which there's a genuine demand --- rather than creating surplus, wasted marketing materials and then disposal problems.

I like the concept of a "wealth trust with guardians". The challenge becomes, "How do we get sign-off from the likes of Google to finance and foster it?"

Definitely something I'm going to give more time to thinking out, thanks!
At 23:23 on November 6, 2008, Twain said…
hi Mark,

We submitted 3 ideas to Google 10 to 100th:

(1.) GREENspot

(2.) Twinkle --- a social network where "silver surfers" shine

(3.) sayIT --- splice and dice YouTube videos to create your own custom catchphrase.

Admittedly, the last one is not going to reduce global poverty, eradicate disease or improve environmental issues --- beyond making human interactions more enjoyable, that is :*).

Wrt the demand facet of the triple bottom line, it's something I've given a bit of thought to over the last dozen years. I first had the idea during a lesson on Mundell-Fleming's ISLM curve. One of the quadrants is obviously investment savings and the liquidity of money (hence ISLM). However, my clever lecturer --- who was a former Cambridge University don --- had adapted the model and linked it to Keynesian product supply + demand curves, Hicks-Hansen labor market curves and trade barriers and associated costs.

In any case, during professional life I've become increasingly convinced the marketing mantra of "giving the customer what they need" is an empty one and post-production of good based on erroneous market projection analysis by mgmt consultancies, ipso facto. No, we have to move much further upstream and harness technology to deliver demand economics that make more sense.

Here are some links on ISLM:




You may be interested to know I've placed my marker where on 11 November 2008 I'll publish my analysis and thoughts on the Global Brain, collective intelligence, the Singularity, etc.:

At 2:36 on November 15, 2008, lynn said…
At 18:38 on June 10, 2009, Lynne Johnson said…
Just joined the net. Lovely bio. Look forward to seeing that graceful summary fleshed out in future dialogue! Lynne
At 2:09am on March 28, 2013, Calvino gave Mark Szpakowski a gift

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