Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems
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Possibilities suggested by the Grand Débat in France
Current multi-platform technical viability and costs
Eliciting insights from the public via debate
Technical facilitation of insight capture and processing
Enabling consensual articulation --…
Posted on January 16, 2019 at 19:28
It seems to me that the time is ripe to mount an effort roughly the equivalent of the Apollo Mission, but not the way the Apollo Mission was handled. Consider this possibility:
In comparison to the hierarchical command/control model in play which arguably worked spectacularly well during the moon landings, it is now possible to think of a network topology which is not a rooted tree; rather, a graph of well-federated efforts to bring as many people on this planet (stakeholders) into…
ContinuePosted on November 21, 2014 at 18:08 — 1 Comment
I've been accumulating thoughts at
and am starting to craft a platform which serves as a framework for experimentation. The platform is called TQPortal, and a prototype is online (on a creaky old server at my home) here. This is the first platform I put online that is supported by a full topic map rather than…
ContinuePosted on August 28, 2014 at 17:07
Anthony Judge's latest seems like a launching pad for musing on the topic of sensemaking. I suspect that that article, together with links from it, serve as talking points for deep thinking about sensemaking.
Posted on December 16, 2012 at 14:43
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Comment Wall (22 comments)
Welcome to the group, and thanks for sending the Just-in-Time Learning paper (to which I'll respond properly over the weekend).
The iframes embedded on the blog are created using the Share link at the bottom of the Dashboard, which saves the currently displayed strand as a static "snapshot" file—with the file URL and the Embed code displayed on the page and the View live button providing the direct link to the map. Not displaying the live URL on the static page is an idiosyncrasy that's on our list to fix soon.
The Direct URL is in the form of query string:, where:
X = the # number displayed on the element at the top of the desired strand.
Y = the # number displayed on the selected Focus element.
Z = the number displayed on Select view button (minus 1).
for a DebateGraph Climate Debate imported into a topic map.
This is shaping up to be an dynamite discussion. Look forward to getting in depth.
I believe you're working with Adam Cheyer at SRI, not? Are you guys doing anything with, or have you thought about Compendium and Agents?
Doei ... MXS
But I haven't seen anything addressing the scaling issues that I had been interested in. Namely using LSA to bundle consensus thinking and memory trace forgetting to prune the topic tree. I'd also like to know if the topic tree backbone idea imposes more structure (just the right amount of structure) than is typically found in IBIS derived mapping methods.
I don't know if this group wants to get into those kinds of issues, or even if there is a publication venue that I should consider for a trial balloon paper.
By 'sensemaking forge' are you meaning a general purpose platform that might have larger uses than global wicked issue exploration?
So much to explore!
I've just created a subgroup for Bay Area folks who might want to take advantage of our regional colocation. If your interested please go to the Groups tab and join the 'SF Bay Area' group.
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