Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

I'm brand new here and hope to contribute in a meaningful way. To do that, I need to know some basic stuff:

1. How does a new person enter the group? I'm just diving in with this post (after reading everything I could find). If nothing else, I can offer the perspective of a new member which is what I'm doing with these words.

2. What's the state of play with respect to forming a group purpose, vision, target, or (to be very prosaic) set of deliverables? I've seen the discussion of tools, but without some goal statement or something akin to use-cases, I can't engage in that. I'd like to engage. Tools are something I have some experience creating and delivering in a commercial setting.

Perhaps someone can point me to information I've missed and perhaps as a way of engaging I can help create some of the things I'm seeking.

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A idea of free, open source universities on the web is of course something that many people are debating these days.

I am heavily involved in the Open Educational Resources movement (eg. Hewlett Foundation, and OER Commons), with our own OpenLearn initiative. Part of OpenLearn is the LabSpace, providing free hosting to any group who want to use the open source Moodle virtual learning environment with the many extensions that we have added. However, that is just one delivery platform.

Starting a university is, of course, no minor undertaking! Publishing some e-learning resources is a more modest start...





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