Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Developing the toolkit...


Developing the toolkit...

A space to draw together group discussion about: (1) the appropriate technical platform for the development of Global Sensemaking project; (2) how we enable data to flow between existing tools; and (3) the shape of the tools to come.

Members: 26
Latest Activity: Feb 22, 2014

What's the best technical platform for the development of the group?

As an experiment to help give the discussion around this issue more structure, I have seeded the debate map below with some of the potential options open to us as a group.

Let's see if we can flesh out the pros and cons of the different platforms, and layer in any additional issues arising...

Note: To edit the map below you'll need to register / log-in first (via the Participate button). Once you are logged-in you can open the map either by returning to this page and clicking the View Live button or by searching for the map via the Find map tab on the Debategraph home page). We are in the process of simplifying the log-in loop at the moment, and I will provide an update on this soon.

Discussion Forum

Starting to play with a slightly different UI for structured conversations

Migrating to a new platform based on Scala, I am testing some new ideas on conversation tree navigation. The test site is here. The source…Continue

Tags: source, open, conversation, structured, IBIS

Started by Jack Park Oct 14, 2011.

Features and functionality of a global-scalable, collaborative, deliberative, asysnchronous discourse system 19 Replies

Would it be possible to start a pre-specification list of all the features and functions we think would be necessary for a comprehensive sense-making tool? I have studied concepts in effective…Continue

Started by George E. Mobus. Last reply by Mark Aakhus Jun 17, 2008.

Enabling Sensemaking via Social Networking Sockets 7 Replies

Here's one part of a solution: enable each Sensemaking tool with Friend Connect (Friend Connect is here used somewhat generically - Facebook Connect, for example, might be a powerful tool to use as…Continue

Tags: social, graph, distributed, connect, friend

Started by Mark Szpakowski. Last reply by Jack Park May 24, 2008.

Comment Wall

Comment by Mark Szpakowski on May 22, 2008 at 16:30
Ok, went through using Debategraph again, and realized that last time I had not Transmited my local changes to the public map. I did note the Element Added: Operation Succeeded confirmation. Thnx, David.
Comment by David Price on May 22, 2008 at 18:38

Thanks for letting me know. As part of the next update, we are about to eliminate the separate Transmit function; so that both functions are performed by the Finish button. It's one of those classic usability dilemmas in which separating the functions gives experienced mappers useful extra options but adds to the learning curve for first time users.

We're still working on, and iterating through, all of these kinds of choices where they occur in Debategraph to find the optimum balance; so suggestions for improvements to any of our other current choices will be very welcome.

In this instance, simplifying the process seems to be the sensible option—and, serendipitously, in deciding this, we have also found a better use for the code underlying the Transmit function (which we'll look implement soon).


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