As David P announced on the main page,
the new GSm Wiki (at this link) is up and running, now with a some structure and help for new users.
*** To join email David at: david [AT] debategraph [DOT] org. ***
I encourage you all to have a look around, provide feedback, and perhaps jump in and contribute. We'd like to push several tasks along and need more hands, hearts, and minds.
We now have a very basic project management function in place and would like to get your buy-in. It's tentative because (at least to me) we need to finish the our charter document and get your approval before saying anything is
official. That's one place you can help.
Project management is one of those wicked problems, not least because of our many and varied work-style preferences. Some like structure, others want a very loose environment. We're seeking a reasonable balance and now's the time to shake out any major concerns. Given that we're an online group with all the latency that involves, I see great benefit in running with what's been setup up over there and adjusting it as needed, rather than trying to figure out what's going to work best beforehand.
Orienting new users to yet another new tool is another conundrum, but we now have some help pages (and you can improve them -- it's a wiki!). Hat tip to Jack for suggesting Deki Wiki and to David for the initial setup. George, in the midst of a very busy time for him, has jumped in too as have others (sorry, too late at night to remember everyone or go look it up).
In short, there's useful stuff to do over there and I don't think it's too hard to figure it all out. If it is, feedback to that effect will be very helpful as will help in solving problems and enhancing the functionality.