Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Here's the draft agenda for the call. Please feel free to suggest any changes (below) in advance of the call.

H4CD Conference Call — 24 April 2008 16:00 UTC

Suggested Agenda:

(1) Individual introductions (round the group)
a. Who are we?
b. What brings us to the group?
i. Immediate interests?
ii. Longer-term interests?
c. Biggest challenges for the field?

(2) What should the group do and how should it do it? (round the group)
a. Purpose / Objectives?
b. Modus operandi?
i. Loosely coupled / tightly coupled?
ii. Public / private?
ii. Scale of group?
iv. Immediate invitees?
v. Intra-group communication / facilitation tools?

(3) Potential next steps? (round the group)
a. Suggestions
i. Pilot projects?
ii. Interoperability / Standards/ APIs etc?
iii. Physical meeting / unconference / event?
b. Priorities?
c. Timescale?

(4) Reflections on conference call process? (round the group)
a. Has the format of the call worked?
b. Approximate timescale to next call?

(5) Any other business?
a. Imminent funding opportunity (Mark Aakhus)

(6) Demonstrations (if time permits / for those who are interested).


· GoToMeeting link : Jeff will open the space at 15:50 UTC, and please allow at least 5 minutes to log in to GoToMeeting as the log-in process involves downloading the GTM client.

· Skype: Please log on to Skype by 15:55 UTC. David will initiate the Skype audio conference call at 16:00. In the event that Skype goes down, default as a group to GTM’s in-built audio component

· Mapping the meeting: either Simon or Jeff to map the meeting in Compendium on the shared group screen.

·Currently attending: Dino Karabeg, Jack Park, Jack Paulus (if possible), Jeff Conklin, Maarten Sierhuis, Mark Aakhus, Luca Iandoli, Simon Buckingham Shum, David Price.

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looks fine with me. Right now, I'm translating 1600 utc to 9 am in California.
I think it's 8 hours difference, Jack, making the start time 8am Pacific.

The start time is 9:00 am PST.

California is 7 hours behind UTC, and the UK is 1 hour ahead of the UTC.

Anyone who would like to double check their local time versus UTC prior of the conference call, can do so here:

Apologies for my bail out from the call; my new computer and its inept user conspired to make my the computer grind causing me to catch snippets of conversation through a passing freight train of static before booting the call off altogether. I hope it didn't interrupt things for anyone else, and I look forward to catching up from Simon and Jeff's record of the event.
No problem, Chris: and it was great that you were able to join us during the first part of the call.

Jeff's map (which will be available soon via Mark Aakhus's Citrix Compendium site) gives an excellent overview of the rest of the meeting—and please feel free to add anything to the map that you think that we missed during the meeting.

Thanks for letting us know, Simon.

I'm not sure that anyone would have made it through the whole three hours anyway :-)






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