Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Hi, attached you will find instructions for using Compendium via Citrix. Most of the instructions apply to the first time setup. After that it's basically a two-step login. First, logging in to the Citrix Server. Second, loggin in to the HC4D Project in Compendium.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Please use this thread or send me an email.

P.S. apologies for the all the messages.

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Hi Mark,

Thanks for the information and for circulating the log-in details over the weekend—and just to confirm that I have been able to log-in and access the map for the first conference call.

Sorry, but how do I actually get my "assigned username and password" (Step 1a)? Following the links takes me to
"Logging into Citrix" (, and the text:
You must log in with your assigned SCILSNET username and password.
If you do not know your password, please contact the SCILS IT Services Helpdesk (view contact information).

So we have to email the Help Desk? What do we give by way of justification to be given a login? Or have I missed something obvious?
Hi Robert,

I believe that that Mark included your user name and password in the first of two e-mail messages [Subject: HC4D Sessions on Compendium] sent on Sat 26/04/2008 22:11 to the email address you used in registering for the group.

If you haven't received Mark's earlier message, let Mark know directly and I am sure that he will send you the details straightaway.

if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to let me know.

Hi David,

Yes, you're right. Sorry, hadn't paid sufficient attention to it when it came in.

No problem: and pleased to read that you have the log-in details now.

hello - I'm very interested in using a shared Compendium over the internet. I am a part of a website called "SpaceCollective". You can find it at We're starting a project in which to map out a concept called "Polytopia" which is an effort to define the future of the internet and how we interact with it, its aspects, requirements, and ethics. We want to use a shared Compendium to map out the concepts that have been posted on the website to further define them. There's been much discussion on the website about collaborative sensemaking to further collective intelligence. I've found many online mind-mapping websites, but nothing compares to Compendium in my opinion. The others feel too limited.

I've been an avid user of Compendium and would really like to use it for this project, but haven't read much good stuff about sharing it using mysql over the internet. I read that it works great via Citrix. Could you let me know a little bit more about it? Would it be possible to create a map within? I would highly like to collaborate using Compendium this way. If you are interested in collaboration, I could also put you in contact with the founder of SpaceCollective. Thanks very much.

If you'd like to contact me directly, please email





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