Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

That our core challenge now is to learn how to use the technology to re-weave our collective nervous systems will not be any news to this community. Doug Engelbart spent the three last decades of his life seeking for a community, a place in the world, a systemic pressure point, where this re-weaving could properly begin, in such a way that it might scale... And just as he was leaving us, a bit more than a year ago, this re-weaving was germinating in a community where it might be uniquely impactful — namely in the systems community. At the International Society for the Systems Sciences 57th annual meeting in Vietnam, owing to a large degree to the Doug-inspired good work of George Pór, our veteran community member, the work on making the systems community 'collectively intelligent' was formally institutionalized. 

This story continues. In a week we will be meeting in Dubrovnik, in a workshop co-chaired by Alexander Laszlo, who was the ISSS President facilitating the mentioned visionary move, to work hands-on on this potentially historical re-weaving.  I now extended to you this last minute invitation, with apologies — please consider joining us. You will find more details about this initiative on the Knowledge Federation website

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