Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

hi all,

Can Jack Park, George or anyone shine a light? The BBC are interested in contacting STEVEN KING, the film-maker behind a 1972 insight on ARPAnet. The film was called
'Computer Networks - The Heralds Of Resource Sharing' (Arpanet, 1972).

List of contributors is here @ Wikipedia:

Does anyone know how best to contact STEVEN KING? The BBC need a high resolution version of this film so they can put it into their documentary tracking the Web's 20 years to date.

Thanks for all your help!

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Here is a blog which refers to the 1972 Steven King video.

It appears that Steven King posted a comment on the page. His contact information is not provided in the comment. The owner of the blog, 'JP', forwarded another contributors information to King.

You might try to contact 'JP' from this blog site.
Thanks a lot, Scott.

The BBC team are now on the case of this blog, :*).
BBC have been unable to contact Steven King via this blog since July 2009, apparently.

Does anyone have any ideas about how to get hold of him or anyone who is 1 degrees of separation away?






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