Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

The reason I'm here in the first place is because I appreciated the intuitive visuals of compendium and CmapTools for expressing the ideas in my head. While Cohere isn't intuitive to me in the same way, I appreciate many of its features.

So, as a web designer with a background in psychology and a passion for info-vis, I'm looking for a collaborative tool that provides the simple intuitive interface of compendium/mindmanager coupled with the collaborative power of a google spreadsheet. Under the hood, I want semantic, visualization, and GIS horsepower to help power users make sense and visualize/report on advanced topics. At the core I want a pluggable architecture that allows others to easily develop different layout structures for their maps. I want it all in a layered package with a consistent UI that feels like I'm simply opening a new mind map, then lets me produce cool looking maps to print, export, or share in under a minute.

I was considering building one myself with the Dojo Offline Toolkit, but then I ran into Cohere. While I think it's lacking in some areas, It's the closest thing I've found to that vision, so I'm impressed.

I recently ended another time-consuming project and I'm evaluating places to contribute. This list is a bit more active than the cohere list, so I figured this would be a good place to post a feeler for some higher-level info. I'm curious who here is potentially a stakeholder in Cohere, who has what roles in its development and direction, what its marketing strategy and target markets are, etc.

I'll cross-post on the cohere list.

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The person you'll want to talk with is Simon Buckingham Shum who I believe is currently on holiday.
Thanks Andy,

As a side note, I posted this pretty quick. I should probably mention that what I want may not be the thing that makes the most sense, and I'm open to learning too. :)





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