Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Systemic innovation can help collective sensemaking change conventional practice

In systemic innovation we take a step beyond offering or adding sensemaking tools to a conventional practice, such as journalism or science; we combine sensemaking and other IT tools and use them as Lego blocks to recreate the practice – by aligning it with the social purposes it needs to serve. Is systemic innovation the missing link that can help us realize the full potential of collective sensemaking?

Help us develop this promising innovation practice and give it the quality it requires. Join us November 13-16 in Barcelona, where we are bringing together a team of journalism innovators and knowledge media researchers, to create an innovation ecosystem for good journalism.  Join the Systemic Innovation Group here, where members of Global Sensemaking will be able to take part in this project online.  For more information visit

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