Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Knowmads as metabolic reactors of information (Hybrid Future and Knowmads (pt 3)

Latest entry in the Polytopia project: Knowmads as metabolic reactors of information (Hybrid Future and Kn...

this represents pt6 in the The rise of the Cyber Unified Civilization series of posts
Thoughts and comments much appreciated

(as an aside, an interesting project I am also involved in, the new Junto, which I believe may be of interest to many in this forum)

Views: 88

Tags: Civilization, Collective, Cybernetics, Cyberspace, Intelligence, Polytopia

Comment by Jack Park on July 6, 2010 at 18:13
"The topology of the knowmadic infosphere if so can be said to be a multiplicity of interacting stories, joining and splitting, merging and detaching. The flow of such infocologies allows for a continuous upgrade of both understanding and critical thought."

That makes sense to me, particularly the reference to flow.

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