Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Cohere semantic annotation Firefox Plugin

Just posted this...

"The social web is about sharing ideas. Cohere makes Ideas a first class object: something you can point to as a URL, embed in another page, link to semantically (you make up the semantics: is an example of… is analogous to… refutes… predicts…), classify (theory/method/data/politician/supernatural phenomenon…), visualize its connections, share, agree with, build on, challenge…

The Cohere Firefox plugin now makes it possible to annotate, or grab snippets from, a web page and turn them into an Idea in Cohere, or meaningfully connect Ideas..."

Views: 76

Comment by David Price on July 17, 2008 at 0:44
Excellent news, Simon—and congratulations to the Cohere team on another fine and important piece of work.
Comment by Simon Buckingham Shum on July 29, 2008 at 19:31
This add-on is now FFx 3.0 compliant: download from Mozilla...

Comment by David Price on July 29, 2008 at 21:27
Thanks, Simon.

I have just produced my first (self-referential) Cohere relationship using Firefox 3.0:

View relationship

A joy to use, with huge promise: well done!


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