Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Meedan is the Arabic word for 'meeting place' or 'town square'.

It's also a startup. From a bio of Ed Bice:
"Ed is the founder, Chief Executive Officer, and lead designer of Me[e]dan, a non-profit working to create a cross-language (initially Arabic/English) media sharing and dialogue platform due to release Jan 2008. In this role he has led Me[e]dan’s research partnership with IBM and built a partner network of NGOs and Universities spanning the globe. Me[e]dan is supported by the MacArthur Foundation and Cisco Foundation."

Views: 22

Comment by meedani on December 19, 2008 at 18:16
Good to see you at the Engelbart talk, Jack. Let us keep up the discussion.

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