Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Compendium as a sensemaking hub for emergency response

This movie shows how Compendium was embedded in a semantic web infrastructure for emergency response (to an aircrash rather than a climatic disaster, but use your imagination!), with a variety of tools feeding event data (like a climate computer model might) into Compendium, which served as the sensemaking 'glue'.


The Application of Advanced Knowledge Technologies for Emergency Response

"Making sense of the current state of an emergency and of the response to it is vital if appropriate decisions are to be made. This task involves the acquisition, interpretation and management of information. In this paper we present an integrated system that applies recent ideas and technologies from the fields of Artificial Intelligence and semantic web research to support sense- and decision-making at the tactical response level, and demonstrate it with reference to a hypothetical large-scale emergency scenario. We offer no end-user evaluation of this system; rather, we intend that it should serve as a visionary demonstration of the potential of these technologies for emergency response."

Potter, S, Kalfoglou, Y, Alani, H, Bachler, M, Buckingham Shum, S, Carvalho, R, Chakravarthy, A, Chalmers, S, Chapman, S, Hu, B, Preece, A, Shadbolt, N, Tate, A, and Tuffield, M. (2007) The Application of Advanced Knowledge Technologies for Emergency Response. In Proceedings 4th International Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 07) Conference, Delft, The Netherlands.

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Comment by Mark Szpakowski on May 11, 2008 at 17:12
This is pretty impressive, and a good indication of direction for GlobalSenseMaking. Ie, embed these deliberation tools in a kind of multi-user, probably distributed situation room context.

By the way, is the integration with mapping something that's built into Compendium?

Another observation is that the London disaster response scenario involved a scribe, or moderator, who annotated the map and linked in information sources as needed.

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