Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Good books/review articles on collective intelligence/social computing

Any pointers on some good review books/articles on the varieties and properties of computer-supported collective intelligence AKA social computing? I'm trying to pull together an overview of the area and the amount of material is overwhelming, so I'm looking for good summaries. I'm already aware of:

the wisdom of crowds
here comes everybody
cognitive surplus
wealth of networks

Any other good sources?



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Hi Mark

I can suggest:

The Power of Pull - eloquent case for social learning as key to innovation in organisations, and the only way to maintain collective intelligence in a world moving too fast to codify

Not yet read but on my bedside table:

The New Social Learning - documenting the turn in HR training to social media
Engaging Emergence - from the trenches experience in working with complexity and emergent phenomena


Hi Marc,

Without a proper explanation of what is meant with collective intelligence this is hard to answer. F.e. intelligence is defined as the ability to adapt to an changing environment. What does that mean for your search?





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