Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Folks I've been off on a rather different though connected planet for the last 12 months, seconded out of my usual role to direct an 'under the radar' project called SocialLearn here at Open U. GlobalSensemaking and ESSENCE got rather put on ice for me, so apols for not being around much or being unresponsive. We're now coming out from our 'cloaked' status and starting to blog about what we've been up to, which was, and continues to be, around web infrastructure for social learning.

But tuning back in now and delighted to see this place still v much alive :-)
My other activities, increasingly around the future shape of schools (we better start fixing it right from the early days...), have been blogged on my regular site.


Views: 26

Tags: learning, schools, social

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