Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

My sensemaking book "The Heretic's Guide to Best Practices" is now out

Hi there

Long time lurker, first time poster to this network. I wanted to let members know what after two long years, I am thrilled to announce that a book I wrote with Kailash Awati has now been released.

The full title is "The Heretic's Guide to Best Practices: The Reality of Managing Complex Problems in Organisations".   The book contains some detailed discussion about wicked/complex problems and Dialogue Mapping. We also examine how to use techniques such as Dialogue Mapping in combination with various problem structuring methods, as well as the sorts of structural governance approaches that allow these tools to take root.

The other aspect to the book is its writing style. It has a fair degree of depth, but is written in a casual, conversational style. Somehow we have weaved in Conklin, Rittel, Ackoff, Ostrom, Willy Wonka, Star Trek, Star Wars, Habermas, Ben 10 and Senge. If that combination of pop culture and guruness isn't enough to perk up interest then nothing will :-).

 The three sentence elevator pitch goes something like this:

"If you have ever thought "I can't believe my organisation is actually embarking on this wrong-headed initiative," then you must read this book. With their unique style, practical focus and deep understanding of how organisations work, Paul Culmsee and Kailash Awati offer advice that will benefit everyone in the hierarchy—from frontline employees to senior executives. They will also have you chuckling along the way."

 The book is available at Amazon, iUniverse and Barnes and Noble. Kindle is on its way soon





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