Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

As part of a much larger open source collective intelligence platform, an IBIS extension has been created for MediaWiki. The development website for it is found here. What you can navigate at this time starts from an index of conversations. Each conversation has its own home page with an explanation (motivation) for the conversation followed by any responses, which, typically, are issues raised. That format is similar to Debategraph. Each node in the conversation is its own wiki page.

Ongoing work is evolving navigation and participation widgets that will allow one to get a visual image of a conversation from which one might see the gestalt of the conversation, which is a more difficult event when the conversation is chunked over a range of pages.

The overall project is called Bloomer. Bloomer is a collection of sub-projects, including a topic map, a version of KMi's Cohere, and MediaWiki extensions.

Views: 187

Tags: collective intelligence, open source

Comment by Ben Tremblay on May 15, 2013 at 18:09

G'day Mr. Park! Long time no chat.

Just to say: Heads Up (Eeew, that emphasis is really loud and ugly, isn't it.) is 404, alas.



Comment by Jack Park on May 24, 2013 at 18:31

All of the code for the Bloomer project is found at

There are no remaining online demos for the IBIS addition to MediaWiki, but slides are at , , and

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