Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Conference call follow-up activities...

Mark Aakhus has created three excerpts from Jeff's conference call map (which I have uploaded as images in the photos section of the Ning site), all of which are available to edit and view via the HC4D Citrix Compendium site. The three excerpts cover:

> Group Direction

> Next Steps

> Jeff's "200-experts" thought experiment

There are also three suggested action points arising for all members of the group:

(1) Log-on to the Citrix Compendium site using your log-in details and explore the HC4D map. If you haven't received, or no longer have, your log-in details, please alert Mark and he will email your details to you.

(2) Add comments and suggestions to the three excerpts; preferably directly onto the Citrix Compendium maps. If you encounter any difficulties with this, you can also leave feedback and suggestions as comments to this blog post; however, as part of the rationale for the process is to learn more about Citrix Compendium's capabilities as a tool for facilitating this kind of group interaction, please experiment with the Citrix Compendium system first.

(3) Offer feedback on the process of using Citrix Compendium as tool for this purpose.

It would be great if everyone could have a first bash at the above by Monday 12th May.

Thank you.


Image Links:

Image (1):

Image (2):

Image (3):

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