Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

From what I understand, IBIS is about the simplest of the complex problem visualization methods. Is there simpler?

Second, in theory, how far can IBIS go? For example, let's say that Google decided to build a collaborative sensemaking application tomorrow, and they went with IBIS as a basic structure because of its simplicity. Let's say they've theoretically *cough* got unlimited resources, talent, and marketing.

I've been pondering this, so I've got some theories, but I'll throw out a few questions first.

* How would a global, Googlefied, version of IBIS work?
* Like a wiki perhaps?
* Would there be an asynchronous real-time application, along with a wiki version?
* How might people locate and reference nodes in other maps?
* How would it be moderated?
* How would it handle similar questions if anyone could create new questions at any time?
* How would similar nodes be related?
* While we're at it, how would Google maps be integrated?
* How would OpenSocial be integrated?
* Would there be chat about nodes?
* Perhaps discussions about nodes would also be in IBIS format?
* How would the public have to self-organize to effectively manage the largest collection of IBIS maps in existence?
* How would massive numbers of attachments be ranked?
* Might resource nodes contain iframes with the actual resource instead of hyperlinks?
* What about mobile?
* What kind of tutorials would the public need?

Sometimes dreaming can be productive. ;)


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