Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

David Price's Comments

Comment Wall (37 comments)

At 15:15 on April 4, 2008, Jack Park said…
Thanks, David. I'm still trying to figure out what to do next. A bit over-extended given proposals, thesis writing, and normal day job activities, but we press on.
At 17:44 on April 4, 2008, Jack Park said…
I see in your blog that you are able to use an iframe to transclude a map. It strikes me that the GENIS project could make ready use of that capability. Right now, there is no easily apparent way to know which particular Resource URL to address in a particular iframe for a specific map found at Is there an easy way to identify a specific map for transclusion?
At 22:22 on April 4, 2008, Jack Park said…
Cool! I just tried it at

At 15:22 on April 7, 2008, Mark Aakhus said…
Thanks David for getting us all connected. If the 24th comes open, I'll update right away.
At 19:12 on April 8, 2008, Luca Iandoli said…
thanks. I am very excited to join this initiative

At 23:53 on April 14, 2008, Robert Muetzelfeldt said…
Thanks for the welcome, David. Simon Buckingham Shum pointed me here. In the past, we've talked about tryingto get something going on argument mapping the climate change debate, and it's great to see things are now gelling. My own background is in that no-man's-land between the environmental science community and the informatics community, so maybe I can help in as an interpreter in both directions.
At 3:06 on April 15, 2008, George E. Mobus said…
Thanks David. And how do you do?

I'm eager to learn more about your efforts. I will be exploring more over the next week. Right now I am loaded with extra teaching duties, carrying a three-course load vs. the normal two. So I don't have as much time to inhale everything as I would like.

At 23:16 on April 27, 2008, Al Selvin said…
Thanks, David, and Mark. I hope to help out on the Compendium front. Now if I could just get my login to work...
At 2:10 on April 30, 2008, Brenda Young said…
Hi David, Thanks for the welcome. I am interested in community management, collaborative types of work and learning and other areas of Web 2.0. I have worked in tech and telecom and while working in wireless became interested in alt energies (because a network without a source of energy isn't much of a network). -- I was looking at a review of a new book on the evolution of technology and the Internet by Jonathan Zittrain ("The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It") and found a link to your site in one of the comments reviewing the book. -- Your research sounds very interesting. -- By the way, are you on Twitter? It might be another media form to add to your research repertoire. I have been using it for a few months, following people in Web 2.0 and new media areas for the most part. If interested, I am @4byoung if you want to follow. Check out some of the people I follow and see if you want to start by following them.
Also, here's a link to one Twitter user's reason for using Twitter that may resonate with this group: or
At 2:29 on April 30, 2008, Brenda Young said…
New ways to measure and illustrate the social graph.

Visualization of an inventor's network:

Here's a larger group of graphics.
At 15:38 on April 30, 2008, Brenda Young said…
I subscribe to a number of tech and Web 2.0 email updates. The original story on Jonathan Zittrain was here:

or at this tiny URL:

That lead to a link at Amazon with a reader review at the bottom of the page.

In turn, there are comments to the reviewer's post in which he responds here:

or tiny URL:

...and you will see that you are mentioned there with a link.

"...Check out this guy is utterly brilliant and on target..."
At 15:44 on April 30, 2008, Brenda Young said…
I came across a few more items today on something called "mimetic conflict" that I thought you might find interesting.

It is an interesting theory on conflicts in groups.
At 15:46 on May 3, 2008, Brenda Young said…
Hi David,

Found another link I thought you might find of interest.

or here is a snip url ('snurl") [services_alphaworks_ibm_com]

It looks like the site gives people the option to create a topic area and create their own visualizations either with their data sets or your own.

or with Snurl [services_alphaworks_ibm_com]
At 12:34 on May 6, 2008, Mark Szpakowski said…
Hi David, I've done a quick tour through the profiles, just to get a feel for who is here, and am part way through the forum messages and videos. Over the last few years I've slowly been "brooding" what I recently realized is an "intentional framework" which can help address climate change and sustained earth care, which for me at least provides context for the effort here to provide tools for discourse to make collaborative change more effective. I'll get back with more shortly.
At 20:14 on May 23, 2008, Brenda Young said…
Hi David, Check out this site. Enter the words "Climate Change" and see what happens
Sometimes the right visualization can help in illustrating complex problems/systems.
At 21:27 on June 9, 2008, Geof Bowker said…
Hi David,

Yes indeed. Debategraph looks way interesting for a lot of what I do. I look forward to exploring this site over the next few months.
At 16:06 on June 10, 2008, Robert D. Cormia said…

Please forgive my long delay in getting back to your comment. The Apollo energy project was an idea I wanted to present - not just as a technology effort, but as a atotal change in how humans use 'resources' on the planet, and as such goes way beyond a 'simple' moon-shot.

We are treating 'spaceship earth' as if it was designed and intended to serve us - which is a near fatal falacy. Ecosystem services need to be understood and respected - and humans need to quickly, very quickly, figure out how we get this 'mission' back on track.

The preso has a paper that goes with it (more technical) but these iseas should be built on.

At 21:40 on June 10, 2008, Brenda Young said…
Hi David,

Found a site I thought you might find interesting. It's a search site called Summize that searches the live Twitter ( public timeline for posts on a person, a topic or a phrase.

I searched for "climate change" and you can see results with this link:

or you can use this link:


Open the link in a separate tab and you will be able to update with new links.
At 9:37 on June 13, 2008, David Price said…
Hi Brenda,

Thanks again: another great link and thought.

Are you on friendfeed yet?

At 14:30 on July 6, 2008, Lévy Pierre said…
Thank you for welcoming me David. I think that some kind of paradigm shift in semantic identification can lead to a dramatic improvement of collective intelligence in cyberspace, and ultimately to a leap in human development.

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