You may like to see that a survey article on modelling scientific discourse has just been posted on the Semantic Web Journal website: their progressive open peer review model, the community…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on November 18, 2010 at 16:00 —
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I ran a workshop last week in Leeds prior to the Online Deliberation conference.
Screencasts and slides showing the current state of some of the leading computer-supported deliberation/argumentation tools, plus dialogue maps from the discussions and major challenges that we identified:…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on July 8, 2010 at 10:10 —
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The EPSRC-funded
Advanced Knowledge Technologies Consortium ran 2000-06. The final demonstrator of all the technologies coming together centred on an emergency response scenario. Compendium served as the sensemaking hub around an aircraft crash on London, envisioning how a response coordination team might use Compendium overlaid on a GIS, to keep track of events and actions, in concert with a diverse set of AKT semantic web services.
I’ve just got…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on February 9, 2010 at 21:59 —
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Anna De Liddo and I will be presenting this concept to the CI workshop at CSCW 2010 next month...
De Liddo , A. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2010).
Cohere: A Prototype for Contested Collective Intelligence. Workshop on Collective Intelligence in Organizations: Toward a Research Agenda, ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2010), February 6-10, 2010, Savannah, Georgia, USA. Available as ePrint:…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on January 26, 2010 at 16:48 —
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Some of you may be interested to play with the new release of our Mozilla extension for
Cohere, which adds highlighting and annotation to Firefox/Flock, but with the addition of more reflective, sensemaking elements:
Clips are highlighted text fragments (and in future video hopefully) to provide more precise link anchors and to direct visual attention
* margin notes are in fact what we call
Ideas, first…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on January 17, 2010 at 18:42 —
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Folks I've been off on a rather different though connected planet for the last 12 months, seconded out of my usual role to direct an 'under the radar' project called
SocialLearn here at Open U. GlobalSensemaking and ESSENCE got rather put on ice for me, so apols for not being around much or being unresponsive. We're now coming out from our 'cloaked' status and starting to blog about what we've been up to, which was, and…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on January 17, 2010 at 18:29 —
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Hi everyone,
We've been busy building the website for ESSENCE: E-Science/Sensemaking/Climate Change:
We're fast approaching the stage where we will approach external groups of stakeholders to invite them to try out our sensemaking tools. The website is not yet being publicly announced with any fanfare until we have populated it with more examples and partners.
So, we…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on November 10, 2008 at 19:00 —
1 Comment
We're building a new collection of screencasts introducing the new release. All of them, including large format hi-res versions (recommended for viewing pleasure!) are linked from the
Cohere screencasts page, which also point to low-res versions on our
YouTube channel.
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on July 31, 2008 at 15:00 —
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We've just set up a group for Cohere dev talk:
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on July 31, 2008 at 9:30 —
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Just posted a
new article reporting work we did last summer... "following great work last year by Ale Okada teaching teenagers on a science summer school to map their reasoning about climate change impact (using our Compendium tool), the article below summarises where we’ve got…"
Okada, A. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2008, In Press). Evidence-Based Dialogue Maps as a Research Tool to…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on July 18, 2008 at 13:00 —
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posted this...
"The social web is about sharing ideas. Cohere makes Ideas a first class object: something you can point to as a URL, embed in another page, link to semantically (you make up the semantics: is an example of… is analogous to… refutes… predicts…), classify (theory/method/data/politician/supernatural phenomenon…), visualize its connections, share, agree with, build on,…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on July 16, 2008 at 14:43 —
As part of thinking through our SocialLearn platform for socially-based, informal and formal learning, I am pondering the overlaps and differences between sensemaking and learning, in theory and practice. In my view, SL as a platform designed to connect learners with each other via common learning goals,
interoperable with many Web 2.0 tools, could be a potential GSm platform for analysts and subject matter experts…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on July 10, 2008 at 21:00 —
Here's the demo that Anna is going to give at DIAC this month:
De Liddo, A. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2008).
Knowledge Media Tools for Capturing Deliberation in Participatory Spatial Planning. Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing: Conference on Online Deliberation. June 26-29, 2008, Berkeley,
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on June 3, 2008 at 17:30 —
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Possibly an important new standard for referring to a meaningful collection of material called a Resource Map... I note the interest in helping Web 2.0 apps to reference these, though not had time to figure out what they mean by this...
From the
primer: "The ORE Model makes it possible to associate identities with aggregations of web resources and to describe their structure and semantics. It does this by introducing the…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on June 3, 2008 at 10:30 —
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In the SocialLearn project here at the OU [
fledgling site], we are developing an API for "Social Learning"... think Google's OpenSocial, but tailored for learning in social networks.
This is all under wraps at present, but we might ask what does it mean to create a sensemaking API? Is this really the same as a learning API, which might allow you to share learning objectives via Twitter, Facebook and SN-tool XYZ?
Or is…
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on June 3, 2008 at 9:00 —
A nice introduction to the MIT+Naples activity in Nature...
Bringing order to online discussions about climate change
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on May 29, 2008 at 15:24 —
Having been in hospital for a week in Seattle, and then finding myself "deactivated" by Ning, I'm finally back, and trying to catch up! :-)
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on May 27, 2008 at 23:11 —
This movie shows how Compendium was embedded in a semantic web infrastructure for emergency response (to an aircrash rather than a climatic disaster, but use your imagination!), with a variety of tools feeding event data (like a climate computer model might) into Compendium, which served as the sensemaking 'glue'.
The Application of Advanced Knowledge Technologies… Continue
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on May 10, 2008 at 9:00 —
1 Comment
DebateWise looks uncannily like
Debatepedia, simply pooling arguments for and against a particular motion. But good to see another effort to promote debate, and a handy source of material that we can hopefully add better structure to with our tools.
Added by Simon Buckingham Shum on May 8, 2008 at 21:33 —
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