Global Sensemaking

Tools for Dialogue and Deliberation on Wicked Problems

Lynne Johnson
  • Female
  • Madison, WI
  • United States
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a walking beginner's mind
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I'm pleased to now be a part of GlobalSensemaking. For over 30 years I've largely worked where the rubber hits the road and people aren't communicating well or even living well, as in race relations and low-income neighborhoods, or where people are working to set little patches of wicked things right, as in ecological restoration sites, politics or dispute resolution. I've lived largely outside of web-based communication and dialogue networks as I worked in these mostly… Continue

Posted on June 16, 2009 at 20:46 — 2 Comments

Comment Wall (74 comments)

At 17:55 on June 9, 2009, Jack Park said…
Hi Lynn,

At 64 going on 16, I, too, remain enthusiastic about global issues, and I (I think like may other people around the world) exhibit holes in the literacy required to conduct deliberative discourse necessary to work together to find solutions to those global issues. About your paper, it seems reasonable that, if you wish, you might upload it to this site; it would then become visible as are documents uploaded by others. I am certain that many members of this tribe would be as interested as I am to read your writing. Thanks. --Jack
At 19:52 on June 9, 2009, lynn said…
hi fellow lynne

what an interesting way to find someone - thru a stand of dna and goog!

i'm a geek, but love the dna graphic as it's special dna. as to dialogue, geeks have it all the time - globally. i'm always happy to have another! a different subject would be a relief too :)
At 23:18 on June 9, 2009, lynn said…
the dna is the double helix. see

diialogue - hmmm... i think the only difference is this: are we in the same restaurant or server room? it's all just another form of communication. example - low tech = ma bell telephony, high tech = voip. it's all just telephony, only we know how to make cheaper calls than most.basically free or close to it - globally.

hackers of course prefer being anon to a certain extent. yes, they are geeks too.

dialogue with geeks? boring i think. but you may have a different opinion. wicked problems? that sound intriguing. the two meet with issues such as electronic voting, spying on we the people, and more

i'd love to see the paper when you post it. let me know a url!

g2g - off to a meeting! online of course :).
At 2:56 on June 10, 2009, lynn said…
you are not in a minority at all. there are mostly non-geeks here. i'm in the minority.
At 10:35 on June 10, 2009, lynn said…
you're welcome :) anytime!
At 11:30 on June 10, 2009, lynn said…
interesting paper. i particularly noticed the part about how we in the usa behave and those in other countries don't understand our actions, nor do we understand how our actions effect those around the planet.
At 18:26 on June 10, 2009, lynn said…
wow! looks like you really knew how to work the system! and did! it's also always good to work with a good group. it sounds like you had one.
At 19:46 on June 10, 2009, George E. Mobus said…
Welcome aboard Lynne. I haven't been terribly active of late, in part because some of my related interests are taking off, and because it seems to me that the energy crisis is looming much larger than any of us previously thought. I'm turning my attention to what is called biophysical economics in an attempt to get a handle on the relationship between energy and society.

At 22:28 on June 10, 2009, lynn said…
geeeze. you're forcing me to spill the beans. lynne with an 'e'... omg - i'm about to be found out. i can't stand it. you better not tell... this is just between lynn(e)s, got it? sure? you are now going to find out my deep dark secret. i'm really trusting you on this. are you ready? really ready? are you sitting down? ok... here goes... google images...
At 22:30 on June 10, 2009, Scott said…
Lynne, thank you for spending the time reviewing the GSM site as well as my Do Good Gauge abstract. Your assessment of the approach in my language is probably closer to reality than I would like to believe. Obtaining continued dialog with Socratic types interested in bringing a democratic forum to Argumentation Theory in a manner which brings competition, collaboration, and collects a wider prospective of points of view with respect to time, space, and social order has been beyond my reach. I'm not throwing in the towel yet. I will take your comments into consideration in future revisions of the DGG abstract.

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